Ideas help us move forward through this life. They are to be shared, added to and developed publicly. They are a common property of an evolving consciousness.
When we reduce ideas to commodities of individual expression for personal ownership and profit it becomes possible for individuals to own public reality. These individuals then become able to manipulate public opinion to their will. Ownership of ideas therefore creates ownership of society.
We then begin living in a reality of ideology and cease being the free expression of consciousness we really are. We start to believe this narrow reality is who we are rather than simply what we are experiencing. We become imprisoned into a limited and slavish reality controlled by the owners of our public ideas, instead of creators of a wonderful and brilliant world.
This is where we are now, on a planet controlled by a power elite no human force is going to change. Einstein says no problem in the Universe can be solved by the same mind that created it. The problems we are currently facing on this planet stem from our minds, and so according to Einstein our thinking is not going to get us out of them. Part of the solution is dropping these mind-created systems that are destroying us, and dropping this limited reality of the ownership of ideas is a good place to start.
We do not need intellectual property rights to survive. We need food and water. We need love, family and community. Then we can live in this abundant world created for us to share in together, instead of the scarcity world of intellectual property rights.
When we reduce ideas to commodities of individual expression for personal ownership and profit it becomes possible for individuals to own public reality. These individuals then become able to manipulate public opinion to their will. Ownership of ideas therefore creates ownership of society.
We then begin living in a reality of ideology and cease being the free expression of consciousness we really are. We start to believe this narrow reality is who we are rather than simply what we are experiencing. We become imprisoned into a limited and slavish reality controlled by the owners of our public ideas, instead of creators of a wonderful and brilliant world.
This is where we are now, on a planet controlled by a power elite no human force is going to change. Einstein says no problem in the Universe can be solved by the same mind that created it. The problems we are currently facing on this planet stem from our minds, and so according to Einstein our thinking is not going to get us out of them. Part of the solution is dropping these mind-created systems that are destroying us, and dropping this limited reality of the ownership of ideas is a good place to start.
We do not need intellectual property rights to survive. We need food and water. We need love, family and community. Then we can live in this abundant world created for us to share in together, instead of the scarcity world of intellectual property rights.