Audio Spectral Travel

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Simple Truth

A man sits at a table reading a book while his teacher, a sage or guru of sorts, watches over him. He is reading a paragraph explaining the origins of life and the conspiracy humanity has fallen victim to.

A few pages later he is reading about why everything is written in code and needs to be deciphered by an active living mind. The truth is simple, it says, but cannot be simply told. Verily our perception of the truth is always changing, even now!

The man asks his teacher, if the truth cannot be simply told, how is it that it was just explained in a simple paragraph a few pages back?

The guru asks, was it? Find me that paragraph.

The man is astonished at his inability to find it, despite his best and most thorough efforts.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Esoteric Nature of Reality

Those who do not understand the esoteric nature of reality are destined to be controlled by those who do.

Most of the world has been duped into believing there is no such thing as magic, as if it's all fantasy and fairy-tale, as if the imagination is just that: imaginary. Well I'm here to tell you this whole life is imaginary. This whole reality is pure imagination. Believe it! And those who do not believe it are doomed to be controlled by those who do.

Our imagination, the creation of everything, has been hi-jacked by Disney and Facebook, by education and materialist science, by purely intellectual philosophy and the like, because these corporations and systems have themselves been hi-jacked. We are being manipulated to create a reality that is not our own.

Not only my family but many others are becoming aware of this reality. We are creating our own Space of Love with nothing more than pure imagination and our physical belief in it. All of humanity is welcome as our natural birthright to create Heaven right here on Earth if we desire. And I and my family do. As John Lennon and Yoko Ono so aptly put it: War is Over, if you want it.

Imagine that!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jimmy the Bitch Says

What the fuck, people? Get your fucking shit together. You still think this physical reality is all there is to this life? You think taking some pills because you lack serotonin in your synaptic gap is going to help? Jesus Christ! And you think the New Agers or the Christians are weird. Holy fucking shit!

There's shit going on in this world that would curdle your mustard if you dared to take a look. You are right now in this very moment part of a life that makes creating iPhones or rocket ships or 3D printers look like worms building sand castles. Seriously right now you are creating this very world, and there are beings who have manipulated you into creating this one of perceived scarcity and who have further convinced you that you're not actually creating it.

They use Disney to make you believe that magic is just imaginary and further more that imagination is not reality. Then they give you magical money and make you believe it's real. They also use Disney to control your mind by triggering the trauma of your parents' divorce, but that's another story. They've distracted you with physical space travel and 3D printers, not to mention television and Facebook and education (I use the term only for your benefit) and corporate controlled government.

Wake the fuck up! You are creating all of this. You are the cause of your life.

People whine to me: "If I'm creating this world, then what about all the starving children in Africa? Are you saying they created their life?" Wah, Wah, Wah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

Shut the fuck up! I didn't say starving kids in Africa created your life or theirs. You did! You created your life and theirs. If this makes no sense to you, then you should start by taking responsibility for your own life and perceptions.

Have a look at the fugazi currency you use, the one you aren't taking responsibility for, the one that serves your master and exploits starving African children, the one you didn't create but was created for you and your servitude. That would be a pretty good place to start.

Instead you play victim and say it's just the way it is. You believe this life is just happening to you and everyone else, but the reality is you are creating it with your perception of it. Get a grip. We are all One. Believe it: you are the cause of your life. It can't be any more plain. It's not hard to see. Just open your eyes and take a look. I know it's scary. But for the love of God, end the suffering. Take responsibility for your life and your perceptions. Please open your eyes and take a look.

Still, if you even got this far in my rant, you think I'm the crazy one, even though I live a life of spiritual and emotional abundance, even though I eat food that is medicine for my body and soul, even though I've connected to God and to a community who help me face myself and my fears and look for a true and meaningful reality, even though I now know how to handle situations that used to baffle me, even though my life is now a continual deja vu, like God himself is guiding me and telling me directly what to do, and it all makes me very happy even when I'm sad. Perhaps you believe I'm lying, but I'll tell you one thing that's true: I'm baffled.

I'm baffled by the amount of people closing in on the end of 2013 who still don't get it, who refuse to get it, who insist on clinging to a meager existence spoon fed to them by petty tyrants who are in turn feeding on our human creativity. Make no mistake, you have created this, and you are creating it right now.

Believe it!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reality & Ferraris

Our reality has been hi-jacked. Believe it! What most people perceive as reality is really an illusion. Personally I am living reality from a fifth dimensional perspective, and while that's not reality in its entirety, it's broader than the limitation of reality being merely physical.

Some folks then ask, if I'm living from the fifth dimension then why don't I manifest a Ferrari? And the short answer is I don't want one, at least not one that's going to cost me the abundance I'm already living.

I've already in the past manifested a reality where I had more money than I could spend, and it was hell. I know there's no way I can convince anyone of this, but I personally will no longer be reduced to others' hellish and small ideas of success or existence.

Besides, most people's ideas of monetary success aren't even their own ideas and are not even based in reality because they have never had the wherewithal to actually manifest the money for themselves and realise that hell personally. So they continue believing the now global lie that money will make life easier.

In fairness money may make life easier, but that's all part of the lure of the lie. I've seen poverty in India that would curl your toes. I also saw a richness of spirit and connection to family I will never know in this lifetime. It is only those affected by this globalised lie who are projecting their poverty of the spirit, who know only material possessions as wealth, who are calling those Indians poor.

My life today is so rich and abundant I can hardly contain myself at times. I wouldn't give up what I have right now for all the Ferraris in the world. I have manifested a beautiful and loving wife who is the only one for me. There is no other. We have two beautiful and awakened children. My life is in perpetual synchronicity, and my dreams are literally manifesting into this physical reality.

Living life from the fifth dimension means I am no longer a victim of this world. I am cause in my life. As Jesus said I am in this world but not of it. Money cannot buy any of this. It also cannot buy the fulfilling work I do in our community nor can it produce the large garden in our backyard that not only nourishes our bodies but also our spirits.

This food issue is so important because the pesticide poisoned food being trucked into the supermarket is a large part of the reality hi-jacking, in addition to the sham of our education system and corporate controlled governments, vaccinations and corrupted media including our so called free social media, etc. Healthy food is medicine that leads to healthier choices and helps us open to a more abundant and responsible reality.

Why continue suckling on society's dried up teet when there's a full banquet already laid out and waiting for you? Wake up! Get creative. Open your emotional heart. Be spontaneous. Own your mistakes. Enjoy life's richness. Live a life of service and gratitude. Do what you love! And not only will you have no regrets but you'll be rocketed to dimensions of existence beyond your current imagination. Believe it!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder

Some words from Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios, ceremonial priest and spiritual guide of the Eagle Clan:
(Written prior to 21 December 2012)

We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes.

Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action.

Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012.

On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus.

We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and unity now, to confront the other side and preserve life.

We are disturbed -- we can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history.

Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth. Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely --- a lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots."

We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything -- people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element 'ether' -- the realm where energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the Earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Address to our International Leadership

The new reality is upon us. Our leaders are welcome to join, but it's not necessary.

9 minutes of telling it like it is!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Spiritual Journey

Some folks have commented on the apparent negativity of some of my posts, but I would like to add some further illumination on this. There are three traditional stages for the spiritual journey: purgation, illumination and union. What I have been doing is purging and illuminating the evil in the world as reflected by myself. We cannot get to union, which I believe to be the ultimate goal, without purgation and illumination first.

So to all those who wish to live happy-go-lucky lives without first purging and illuminating the hell we experience daily, well you know where to go. To those who are purging and illuminating and are heading towards union, awesome! I will continue to purge and illuminate as I move toward union. I am joining with the divine. Nothing can stop this now. Of course nothing is something, and so I must continue to have faith. The gifts I receive daily are a reflection of this faith; so too is the pain and suffering.

My eyes are open. Through my daily struggles I am granted the hope and strength to continue. When I take a step back and look I see the beauty God has granted me. My life on the whole is incredible. I would not trade the current abundance I have for all the money in the world. Though to some I live a materially impoverished life, I am on the spiritual journey.

I give thanks to my mother and father for the spiritual gifts they have given me: love, courage, acceptance and much more. I am grateful for my wife and children, who are gifts in my life. I have moved into a life of pure love and light. I have moved beyond the denseness of this physical world. I am in the world but not of it. I exist in this physical world as a manifestation and reflection of my highest self.

I no longer have the need to convince anyone of anything, though I am here as a reminder, as a guide. As I have been led, so shall I lead. My emotional heart is open. I see also with my third eye. My Merkaba is active, and I am no longer bound to this simple third dimensional reality. I travel freely anywhere in space or time. I know myself and where I come from. I am connected to Source.

This could of course all end in an instant, but I am committed to change and growth as necessitated by the highest good. I am, as they say in the poker world, all in. The only evil in the world is division of self, and I will continue to purge and illuminate as I move toward Union.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dirty Miracle

Many so-called globalised people are like aliens to the natural world: plastic hair, plastic faces, vaccinated, sterilised, afraid of the dirt, turning our planet into a cold, clinical machine. If you want to live like an alien, move to outer space. Stop trying to turn our wondrously beautiful, dirty planet into a sanitised spaceship. If you want to live on Earth, get present to the miracle of the dirt.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Three Levels of Evil

Three levels of evil have been brought to my attention:

1. Personal - evil we carry out at a personal level
2. Systemic - evil perpetuated through systems
3. The Devil - evil disguised as goodness to correct the first two

First of all I believe evil is a man-made creation. We have fabricated the Devil. We have mixed our God-given goodness in ways that have created disharmony. We have built up incredibly complex systems around that disharmony, and the Devil has stepped in to ostensibly restore order.

It seems to me the original perception of the duality of good and evil, the perception of separation, is the primary creator of evil. The perception of separation is itself evil, and it is a projection. It doesn't actually exist. Without that perception and projection everything would simply be as it is.

I further believe the three levels of evil exist within my own personal being. So to get to the source of the problem I need to truly take responsibility for my being and for my projections. So what happens when I take an honest look inside?

I see I often disguise myself as a good person taking care of the evil of the world, and in so doing I am projecting my perception of evil onto the world. It appears it is I who am the creator of evil in this world. So it seems only I can restore goodness to the world as there is nothing outside of me other than my own projection. And this projection is what gives my empty ego substance.

Verily I say there is no separation. We are all One.


Our current society has failed. Anyone who doesn't see that needs to wake up. There's nothing you or I or anyone else can do about it. Our mother the Earth knows how to manage her people and maintain balance.

We need to take a step back and admit our powerlessness and simply enjoy the abundant fruits provided for us. Everything we do to try to fix ourselves or the planet is simply more of the ego thinking it has power.

The ego has no power. It is emptiness, void of anything. In our true emotional hearts we know this. We also know our divine mother and heavenly father will take care of us.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It is Always Coming

It is always coming.
We are in Revelation.
Like a wave
It is always coming.
This life is animated
By the wave, and
We are surfing.

It is always coming.
When it stops coming
We will rest on the beach
In tranquil waters.

Those, who feel we
Are on the cusp,
Have arrived.
We are the surfers.
There is no need
To move ahead.
Trust, and the wave
Will take us where
We need to go.
If we get too far
Ahead of the wave
Then we are no longer
On the crest, and
The wave will consume us.

Live a life of faith
In this moment
Of uncertainty
With an inner knowing
Of our heavenly father's
And our divine mother's
Care and love for us.
There is nothing for us to do
But ride the wave,
And faith keeps us on the crest.

We shall be delivered safely
To the shore in love.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Beyond the Mind

I've been to a place in meditation that is beyond my mind. I cannot intellectually comprehend these things beyond space and time. I go to places (I call them places because I'm not sure what other word to use) places that if I try to comprehend them with my mind they disappear.

They are beyond my mind. So in trying to comprehend them I am brought back from these outer limits. But when I let go of my mind I go to these places, and I receive information that comes from a place beyond this Earth. The information is not from this world.

We are all One. We are beings of light--a single being/beam/photon of light--who have created this physical plane. And it is truly a gift, all the pain, the misery, the war, strife and conflict. It is beyond miraculous, and I love it. I love us. We are One. I love this experience.

The mind cannot comprehend this. The mind is baffled by calling war, misery or pain miraculous. Our society is controlled by the mind and is trying desperately to stop the miracle, which is an impossible task and only serves to bring more misery and suffering, more of the miracle. The mind cannot comprehend this.

We must put the mind in its proper place: secondary to the emotional heart.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Inspiration, Instinct, Intuition & Intellect

I'm reading a book called Self Observation by Red Hawk. He speaks of how instincts and intuition are the fastest responders to life, and the conscious mind is the slowest. Yet we attach the running of life to the slower rather than the faster responder. And our schooling locks us into this way of being (purposefully I would add).

Ideally I think we could respond instinctively and intuitively to stimuli and then allow the brain to process the stimuli afterwards. Instead our school training has us planning as much as we can in advance before acting. I believe this retards our intuition and growth exponentially: each time we make a plan rather than act life gets further and further ahead of us. Essentially we become more and more enslaved to our minds, locked away from our hearts and inspiration, the real guides to our lives.

Of course by responding to stimuli instinctively and intuitively instead of thinking it through first we are going to make mistakes. However, the amending of these mistakes will give us a better and more thorough education than any amount of school or planning ever could. Every time we amend a mistake we are increasing our intuition and thus quickening the growth and expansion of our consciousness, rather than delaying and enslaving it. Essentially by putting our inspiration, instinct, intuition and intellect in their proper places we become free.

Helping Hand

Guest Writer: Frederick Miller

I'm only human. I've only got one feeling left. I've been abused most of my life. In the beginning it was the so-called caregivers, the provincial government, peers and my father. For taking all that abuse like a good little boy I was given the gift of a lifetime of prison, drug addiction, failed relationships, loneliness and homelessness. I'm a lucky man. I'm still alive and I'm able to share these experiences to help others.

It's better than being suicidal and depressed. My addictions are coming to an end. I'm grateful for life.


Fred is a resident in Vancouver's Downtown East Side.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pain Over Comfort

I once wrote, "Suffering is not part of the human condition. It is part of the ego. Let it go." Sometimes (often?) I get to this morally superior plateau where I feel no pain. I'm in the flow of life, and I think this is how it's supposed to be (perhaps it is), but it somewhat disregards all the pain and suffering that led to that temporary place of enlightenment in the first place. A psychiatrist might call this somewhat bipolar, swinging from one extreme to another.

Today I see I am better off accepting pain over choosing comfort because being comfortable makes life appear easy. Life is not easy. It comes with a tremendous amount of suffering. For me acceptance of pain and suffering leads to the courage to make appropriate choices.

It seems to me that those who don't believe life is pain haven't truly loved. Of course this is a personal issue. I have loved and continue to love like a crazed man out of control, perhaps to a fault but all the while enjoying the feelings of aliveness that come from loving in this manner. Perhaps I could release this way of being and calmly live in love's pure light, but if that be the case I must first admit the truth of where I'm at. And the truth is sometimes I am tremendously angry and want the whole world painted black. So I must tread carefully about making absolutist statements, though they may be sometimes true.

I believe truth is here, now, in this time and at this place but also everywhere and in every other place. And so sometimes two deeply profound and seemingly opposing truths can be simultaneously true. But then how can one say anything at all about the emotional nature of existence or reality? Life would certainly appear to be here, but it won't seem to allow itself to be pinned down. And thank God, truly.

Are these just mood-swinging tangents? I like to believe some wisdom, compassion and empathy can be gained as we move through our cycles of joy and sorrow and come to recognise the true Oneness of all things, that everything worthwhile does indeed come from love and that it is possible for us to create a world in love's image. And perhaps we may even come to realise this is what we've been doing all along.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013


First of all I'm not writing here to attack science. I just don't like it being imposed on me as to where I am supposed to get my morals, meaning and direction for life. We used to have to go to church. Now we have to go to school, and for many people school is absolutely essential, much the way church used to be. Then they use their school indoctrination to explain the need for school the way a churchgoer would use their church indoctrination to explain the need for the Church.

Many rational thinkers today would never let the Church define God or reality for them, if they even have a concept of God or reality, and yet daily they take the word of science as truth. Certainly they argue these truths are temporary and open for revision as nothing is absolute, but nevertheless this ideology is the truth or as close as we can get to it for the time being. It's a model they say that works as we grow.

Of course the average individual is not discovering these truths for him or herself. For them defining reality must be left to experts who have been educated by jumping through hoops guaranteed to have them grounded in reason. Even interpreting the Bible for themselves as a means or tool for reality definition is unacceptable since for them it is riddled with inconsistency and is not based in science. Actually getting first hand knowledge from spirit guides through meditation is also not acceptable because this anecdotal information is non-scientific.

These folks are using an ideology that refuses to look at a large portion of reality. They are holding themselves inside a narrow world-view that will never allow them to grasp the mystical spheres of life, which could be argued as the greater portion of life. They call them un-knowable, which often negates faith. They have placed themselves inside a self-imposed prison that insists on trying to explain by collective scientific reason or logic that which can only be known personally by the individual heart.

Plus this model of reality that ostensibly works for the time being isn't really working. One in two men in North America will be diagnosed with cancer. Billions of people are starving in undeveloped countries unable to take responsibility for their hunger because of politics. And while scientists argue over climate change more people are dying. This model of reality has us in complete disharmony with ourselves and our world where war and conflict are rampant, and nature has become a force to be conquered.

This entirely rational and scientific ideology also leads us to believe this has all just unfolded naturally. It's just the way it is. Evolution they call it. Disharmony is apparently our natural state. My intuition and personal investigation say we have been manipulated into being this way, but this is discredited as conspiracy. Never mind that I have been abducted by aliens or have spirit guides, everything outside of this physical world is denied or labelled as some type of psychosis.

We need to get back to the Source, each for ourselves. We need to connect individually with our food supply. We need to get back to family networks and smaller communities united through prayer and meditation. We need gratitude and humility.

Any religion or ideology, be it Christianity or Scientism, can be a wonderful way to further build community and to grow spiritually, but to have any one of them thrust upon us is unfair to say the least. To have the homogeneity of only one perspective merely takes us back to the dark ages. So simply replacing Christianity with Scientism is an unacceptable and backwards proposition that cannot accomplish anything but more servitude. Our awakening humanity will not have it.

Personally I choose faith and my spirit guides and my awakening heart. I choose my family and friends, love and life. I choose courage and righteousness, living wildly and lovingly, making mistakes and amending them rather than living in the safety and servitude of conformity. For me life is to be lived not explained. Besides even if Scientism can explain the entire mechanics of life right down to the atom and beyond in either direction it's still an awe-inspiring and undefinable miracle.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Who's Manipulation?

Intuitively I would think you couldn't make one single product that would appeal to all people, due to a diversity of tastes, unless of course you were able to dictate to the people what they wanted. Obviously our contemporary media are doing this, but who specifically is doing it and why?

Why all this homogeneity? Could it be in the best interest of most people to have common likes and dislikes and to fit into specific groups? Is it for the people's own good to be corralled and controlled unbeknownst to them, especially when most people do not believe they are being manipulated. Everyone individually thinks they are at least somewhat free, but when taking a broader look the corporate and media control appears obvious. Who then is being manipulated?

If you live in Canada perhaps the manipulated appear to be in the States, or if you live in the US maybe they are Canucks or oversees. Maybe only the poor are being manipulated. Or the rich. It seems maybe we are all being manipulated and shifting the perception of manipulation elsewhere. But again who is doing it and why? And are we asking, or are we simply acquiescing?

Sometimes the question is more important than an answer.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The New Prince

Who is the new prince now?

The prince can sleep with lions and sheep
Like an armoured knight at a pauper's feast
Gotta shake him off of me
Gotta kill the filthy beast

But who is weak while attacking sheep
And can we solve the riddle
Is it me lying I am free
While I play a golden fiddle

Who is the new prince now?
Can you find him in yourself?
Have you figured it out?
Can you tell me what it's all about?

The prince has pride and fear's abound
Winners, losers all around
Build a fence, paint the town
Push it in and hold it down

Treasure, treasure, pleasure, pain
Human beings are all the same
Drive a car, play a game
Corporate empires are insane

Monday, January 28, 2013

Earth Changes & Fear

I recently stumbled upon this article on the Web. It appears that many people are well-intentioned but may be causing more harm than good energetically, and it seems reality is far more than what we can perceive with only our five senses.

The following is a channel of the archangel Metatron from a man called Tyberonn:

Now, the difficulty with many others who are well intended is that they are not intuned, not of a high enough light quotient to accept the true paradigm of the nature of reality.  And so these, while they wish to assist, truly know not how. They believe that to prevent the change or to move it elsewhere is appropriate; better there than here, you see? Not all that wish to assist truly understand the greater good, the higher purpose of those events you term super hurricanes, volcanics, earthquakes and tsunamis.

So most simply react in fear to these events and wish to be free of the anxiety. But to dissolve fear is not the same as understanding the fear, and therefore the masses of humankind transmute and actually recreate it. To dissolve or to dissipate events of change is not necessarily of benefit, not to the earth and not to humanity. The difficulty with those that wish to assist is that they believe they are more academic in their understanding and know better. Yet they omit the divine; they omit the integrity of that termed spirit.  They do not understand or see the perfection in what takes place because there is great difficulty for those of closed minds or narrow vision to comprehend that all is in perfection, that all is in good order. So then they do not add grease to the squeaky wheel, rather they try to block the cogs which then become still and stuck. And so turning with the wheels of  transition becomes that much more difficult, you see? Fear and ignorance are the great culprits of closed minds....

And so the reaction of the masses is to pray in FEAR. As we have said, what amplifies and draws hurricanes to specific locales is in part man's fear, man's emotionally negative focus on them. A group consciousness, an enormous group mass field of FEARFUL EXCITEMENT is amassed that in fact draws them onto the land as well.  As you say, there are millions praying, but what most are projecting is fear. "We do not want this, we do not wish this, send it away!"

But we say again, the major emotion behind their reaction is fear and that fear magnetizes the event, and fear attracts that which is feared. It is the Law of Attraction, with emphasis on the word 'Law'.

Information source here: Spirit Library.

Self-Governing Communities & Earth Changes

Many people still think the form of Government here in Canada is the best we can do right now and that it's certainly better than no government at all. Those people are sleeping unconscious fools and need to wake up.

Daily our government is robbing the people and the land of all dignity. Humanity is more than capable of living in self-governing communities. In fact this is how we are meant to live. The natives of North America lived this way in harmony with the land for over 12,000 years. There my have been violence, but there was harmony and balance. Now the British Empire has all but destroyed both the people and the land in about 300 years.

The good news is this is all meant to be. The Earth is going through dramatic changes as she ascends to the next level of consciousness. There is no need to halt global warming nor any of the climate changes. This is all part of the process.

Iran vs USA

This has of course all been set up in advance because the Illuminati global power elite are simply using the USA to destroy the USA. For them there cannot be a national super power, only a one world government with one world currency and army.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


The Earth and her people have entered into a new paradigm. Some call this the fourth dimension or density. I prefer the term density because dimension could be confused with the three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time, and this is not what I'm referring to. I am speaking of a shift in wavelength frequency.

I felt this shift on the solstice. It's been coming for some time, but where for centuries we've been dominated by a masculine consciousness we are now predominantly feminine in consciousness. So prepare yourself as she brings this change into the static levels of reality, where people think no shift has yet occurred.

We are about to experience some turbulence as she shakes off the old ways. The Earth's magnetic grid is moving toward zero, and if that happens the solar flares which have been increasing will no longer be deflected or dissipated  This could cause all computers and any other form of electronic file saving including CDs, DVDs or memory sticks to be wiped clean.
It could also be the catalyst for massive Earth changes. The Earth has an outer crust a couple kilometres thick. Underneath is a secondary crust about thirty or forty kilometres thick. Once the the Earth's magnetic field gets to zero that secondary crust can become molten. This would cause the outer crust to destabilise. Fortunately many people have activated their own personal magnetic grids and would be able to hold the Earth's memory as she moved through this time.

Verily the only way of moving through this process is into the fourth density. Make no mistake we have already ascended. It's just that while some have or will naturally ascend or be resurrected some will have to die and physically be reborn in order to get to this experience. For whatever reason these people refuse to believe we have made this shift, but rest assured the dark forces that used to be controlling this world have all now been illuminated and are contained within the light.

Some claim these massive Earth changes will start happening in February, but as we have now moved into a feminine consciousness nothing has to follow a specific timeline nor adhere to any mathematical reason or logic. It's not that we don't believe in reason or logic--we most certainly do, perhaps more than many--we just aren't bound to them. In time all will be revealed. As for we who are here now there is nothing left but to continue our co-creation with God on Earth.

We are all One.