Audio Spectral Travel

Monday, April 1, 2013

Inspiration, Instinct, Intuition & Intellect

I'm reading a book called Self Observation by Red Hawk. He speaks of how instincts and intuition are the fastest responders to life, and the conscious mind is the slowest. Yet we attach the running of life to the slower rather than the faster responder. And our schooling locks us into this way of being (purposefully I would add).

Ideally I think we could respond instinctively and intuitively to stimuli and then allow the brain to process the stimuli afterwards. Instead our school training has us planning as much as we can in advance before acting. I believe this retards our intuition and growth exponentially: each time we make a plan rather than act life gets further and further ahead of us. Essentially we become more and more enslaved to our minds, locked away from our hearts and inspiration, the real guides to our lives.

Of course by responding to stimuli instinctively and intuitively instead of thinking it through first we are going to make mistakes. However, the amending of these mistakes will give us a better and more thorough education than any amount of school or planning ever could. Every time we amend a mistake we are increasing our intuition and thus quickening the growth and expansion of our consciousness, rather than delaying and enslaving it. Essentially by putting our inspiration, instinct, intuition and intellect in their proper places we become free.

Helping Hand

Guest Writer: Frederick Miller

I'm only human. I've only got one feeling left. I've been abused most of my life. In the beginning it was the so-called caregivers, the provincial government, peers and my father. For taking all that abuse like a good little boy I was given the gift of a lifetime of prison, drug addiction, failed relationships, loneliness and homelessness. I'm a lucky man. I'm still alive and I'm able to share these experiences to help others.

It's better than being suicidal and depressed. My addictions are coming to an end. I'm grateful for life.


Fred is a resident in Vancouver's Downtown East Side.