Audio Spectral Travel

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Everything in existence was brought forth by imagination. Nothing is impervious to the will of the imagination. The questions are, what can you imagine and what can you not imagine?

Recently, our youngest son woke in the middle of the night, screaming. He would not be consoled nor did he appear in physical pain. Yet, he writhed on the bed, screaming.

It occurred to me he was being possessed by demons. So I began to visualise a pure white light filling and engulfing the room. I could see the house transform from wood to crystal. I continued to cast out all that was not absolutely in alignment with our family's highest good and to cast out all that was not aligned with perfect love.

To my consternation, I found I could not cast out all darkness. The will of something was not leaving our house. To myself I said, wait a minute, this is my imagination, and I can imagine pure white loving light if I want to. So I added more of my will to the process.

The darkness began to leave, but still there was a hook, like a talon, keeping it tethered to our house and to my son. In that moment it occurred to me, I am not solely in control of my imagination. So I mustered what ever will was left in me to cast out this darkness, and finally it left. Simultaneously, our son ceased wailing and fell asleep on his mother.

In the end, I realised the power of the imagination is absolute, but it takes time and effort to have our imagination as our own. From the day we are born we are inundated with information that is not our own, from our parents, from teachers, the media, peers and a multitude of other sources. And these are only sources from with our physical reality.

Verily, it takes the ultimate act of surrender to get to our true selves and our own imagination. We must surrender all that is not us, and that is a lot if we've made in past the age of twelve. However, once we do, we must be careful. The world becomes our playground. We must find good teachers, and we must seek God. For, without guidance, we have no direction home.

Imagine that!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Humans Are Fourth Dimensional Beings

We are all aware of the three dimensions of space within time, but there is another dimension to our humanity, a fourth dimension if you will. There is an inner reality, and this internal reality is actually another dimension of existence, separate from space and time. It is the dimension where we experience passion and inspiration, intuition and creativity among other things -- none of which are physical.

Furthermore, this internal reality is our primary reality, and the external reality is secondary. All material things, from shovels to rocket ships or pencils to computers, which have been created externally, were first the construct of some human psyche. They were all a manifestation from the internal to the external, from the fourth dimension to the third.

Many, if not most, people see the external reality as primary, calling the physical world the real world. However, from a more enlightened perspective, that obviously cannot be true. It's not that the physical world does not exist. Clearly, it does. Rather, it is simply a secondary manifestation of our primary reality, our internal reality.

The problem with seeing the physical world as primary is, we become caught in an endless feedback loop of the external creation and begin denying the primacy of our own consciousness. We come to believe in the imagination as the illusion and the illusion as reality. Seeing the external reality as primary we create more of what we see. Essentially, we become duped into creating realities that are not our own because most of what we see has been created for profit and control and not for life-affirming growth and connectedness.

The negative implications of this are obvious and far reaching. However, no matter the problem, once we connect with this internal fourth dimension (and perhaps beyond), then the secondary reality no longer has any authority over us. We cannot be controlled by television or the Internet or governments or any other external force.

This means of course actually facing ourselves and, perhaps more importantly, facing what we have allowed ourselves to become. However, once we do, we will then see the emergence of the New Earth right before our very eyes.

See you there!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The New Prince ~ Video

The prince can sleep with lions and sheep
Like an armored knight at a pauper's feast
Gotta shake him off of me
Gotta kill the filthy beast

But who is weak while attacking sheep
And can we solve riddle
Is it me lying I am free
While I play a golden fiddle?

Who is the new prince now?
Can you find him in yourself?
Have you figured it out?
Can you tell me what it's all about?

The prince has pride and fears abound
Winners, losers all around
Build a fence, paint the town
Push it in and hold it down

Treasure, treasure, pleasure, pain
Human beings are all the same
Drive a car, play a game
Corporate empires are insane

Music and words by Jamie Dale
Images borrowed from Michael Tsarion